BROWN SPOTTED TEETH (A song opposing fluoridation)
All your life, you’ve often thought your drinking water’s clear;
You’ll down a glass, or maybe two, with now’t to risk or fear,
But poison in our water taps will mean that, all too soon,
Our teeth go brown with pits and flecks like craters on the moon.
Brown spotted teeth, brown spotted teeth! Say goodbye to self respect with brown spotted teeth! repeat chorus
The dentists they will tell you all to brush with fluoride paste,
But fluoride in the water taps is crude untreated waste.
You sure must be aware that now our fuels are free from lead,
But fluorides in your cans of drink will give you lead instead.
If you should choose to down a pint of beer, the brew sublime,
To tamper with its water, well, it sure would be a crime,
But that is what our Govn’ment wants to do to everyone.
You’ll have no voice to make a choice. Your health’s a loaded gun.

Get happy on the dancing floor. Your partner’s looking pleased.
With fluoridated spotty teeth you smile, but don’t say cheese.
The dental quack he’ll say to you, “Veneering will disguise
Those pits and flecks and browny stains. No sweat; you’ll be surprised.”
But when you come to pay your bill, you’ll wonder what he did.
To give you back your self respect he’ll take five hundred quid.
West Midlands is the region claimed for lowest tooth decay.
The kids enjoy their fluoride drinks. They have them every day;
But unbeknown to mums and dads, their health is on the slip,
For in their life expectancy they’ll likely break a hip.
Fluoride will affect us all, our horses, dogs and cats.
In years gone by in USA ‘twas used for killing rats!
Don’t be fooled by NHS its argument is thin:
Avoiding fluoride through your mouth you’ll get it through the skin
Don’t misunderstand this lads: While you enjoy your beers,
Your health is going all to pot, so thank you Hazel Blears.
She spoke up in the House of Comm’s debating off the cuff
“You don’t want fluoride water folks? Then drink the bottled stuff!”

Keep our water safe lads, lets keep our water safe,
Don’t play games with public health let’s keep our water safe.
Keep our water safe lads, lets keep our water safe,
Stand up for your human rights lets keep our water safe.
Words—Bernard Seward
Music—Rob Mehta
Performed by- Rob and Jehanne Mehta (see photo)