A Systematic Review of the Effects of Fluoride on Health
This was the title of a Government-commissioned study in 1999 to be conducted by an independent panel of health experts; but as it was convened under the banner of the National Health Service, it certainly wasn’t our idea of an independent enquiry.
The evidence, world-wide, that could have been set before the team could have included the massive number of US cancer deaths; the liver failure of dialysis patients overwhelmed by excessive doses of fluoride in their water supplies; the dramatic fall in pre-natal IQ among fluoridated Chinese children; the discovery in New Zealand that zero fluoride was more beneficial to children than the ‘optimal’ 1.0 part per million standard dosage; the failure of plants to thrive and grow under the conditions of fluoridated water irrigation; the blood poisoning of children exposed to large volumes of fluoridated water at bath times and the appalling public health and environmental risks of handling the fluorosilicate chemicals.
The interaction of fluorine and iodine in the body leading to hypothyroidism; the orthopaedic skeletal risks of long-term exposure; the crippling effect of fluoridated water upon animals, especially horses and zoological species; the concern in Russia about farmland and crop contamination; the massive rise in the fluoride-to-water concentration when heating it, when preparing beverages, and when cooking in aluminium pans; all this, and more would have come to the surface to generate a widespread public debate culminating in the total and final discrediting of fluoride as a health benefit, but identifying it instead as being tantamount to a criminal attack on an unsuspecting population by vested business interests having little to do with good public health.
Drug companies are keen on us all having fluoride. They will profit enormously from the sale of medications portrayed as relieving us of the side effects of fluoride, while never curing the conditions brought about by the fluoridated tap water in the first place.
Now read the title below and compare it with the one above
A Systematic Review of the Effects of Fluoride in Water
Is it likely that a study with this title will tell you about the health risks associated with fluoridated water? So why do you think they quietly changed it?
Frank Dobson, the New Labour health minister, aware of the long-held public suspicion about fluoride, had said he wanted a once-and-for-all review. He really wanted one which confirmed his personal belief that fluoridation for all was a confirmed benefit to the dental health of young children of whom some (only some), were prone to tooth decay. The study, conducted at an NHS centre attached to York University, more or less confirmed the minister’s presumption, but only because it had been re-titled, misquoted and misrepresented to public scrutiny. It was therefore a classic case of Government spin. Published in 2000, it skipped neatly over dozens of threats to general health recorded by researchers, doctors, dentists, water engineers and toxicologists, many of them distinguished Nobel Prizewinners from the American states, Chile, New Zealand, Japan, Australia, Canada and the United Kingdom.
Not a word of negative evidence was allowed to filter through to the York Review team apart from one acknowledged condition: Dental Fluorosis – a visually distressing corrosion of tooth enamel. Despite its implication for the rest of the human skeleton (hip fractures are endemic in fluoridated areas), fluorosis was dismissed as being merely of aesthetic concern. There was no acknowledgement of the original reason for fluoridation: a toxic waste disposal exercise courtesy of the US Defense Department 1946. The policy still prevails
and is a cross-party issue maintained in a spirit of ignorance of truth.
This information is brought to you via the National Pure Water Association
info@npwa.freeserve.co.ukthe Safe Water Campaign
http://safewatercampaign.blogspot.com and the Socialist Environment and Resources Association