Thursday 26 September 2024

Momentous court case

Here's news from the Alliance for Natural Health;

  • BREAKING NEWS! Water fluoridation presents an “unreasonable risk” to the health of children. The ruling from a US court, as a momentous legal case brought by the Fluoride Action Network and others challenging water fluoridation finally concludes. The case has taken 7 years, but will now force the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to reduce the allowable levels of fluoride in water. The ruling puts to bed, once for all, the continued claims from the US government (and others) that water fluoridation is safe and necessary for people's health.
  • Saturday 31 August 2024

    New report confirms dangers of fluoride

    A new report this month from the US National Toxicology Program on fluoride neurotoxicity, has confirmed what is already evident in published science, that fluoride lowers IQ in children and has the same toxicity as lead:

    Thursday 13 June 2024

    Still time to respond to consultation

    The Alliance of Natural Health write: "There's still time to register your opposition to water fluoridation in the UK by commenting on the UK government's consultation in relation to the introduction of fluoridation in NE England. The Fluoride Free Alliance UK has created guidance to help you complete the consultation and stop the fluoridation of England's water supplies".

    Sunday 12 May 2024

    Medicine’s Response to the Changing Science on Fluoride Safety

    Michael Gregor looks at this issue in his 5 minute video: "How did the medical and dental community react to U.S. regulators’ total 180 over water fluoridation, going from presumptively safe to presumptively dangerous?"

    Friday 5 April 2024

    US Surgeon General backpedals on support for water fluoridation

    The Alliance for Natural Health report: Despite decades of support for water fluoridation, it appears officials at the US Office of the Surgeon General are backpedalling on its support, due to the publication of a systematic review by the National Toxicology Program (NTP). The review, for which publication was extremely delayed, found fluoridation harms children’s brain development. The Defender has been given access to emails released by a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request as part of a lawsuit seeking to end water fluoridation in the US

    Saturday 14 January 2023

    UK consultation on plans to fluoridate water in North East England

    The Alliance for Natural Health give us an update this week: In the UK, a public consultation is due to take place on the issue of water fluoridation. Approximately 1.6 million people in North East England are at risk of having their water supplies fluoridated whether they agree or not. For anyone concerned about the proposals, a dedicated website has been set up to oppose the fluoridation of water in the North East. Funding for the fluoridation programme has allegedly already been secured suggesting the consultation is no more than a box ticking exercise, which is all the more reason for people to stand up and take action against the mass medication of the population with what is little more than a poison. If fluoridation in the North East is approved, it's only a matter of time before it's rolled out across the whole of England

    Friday 15 April 2022

    UK continues push to fluoridate water

    This is taken from the Alliance for Natural Health newsletterThe UK government has published a consultation seeking views on a future consultation process as it continues to press ahead with plans to fluoridate UK water supplies. Added to this, plans by NHS Glasgow and Greater Clyde, in Scotland, to fluoridate  water supplies in its region have been revealed. A new study reinforces the danger of fluoride to children's health as it reveals the link between prenatal fluoride exposure and reduced intelligence in children aged between 4 and 12 years. Push back against the plans continues with the release of an updated postcard (see below) that can be sent to your MP, if you live in UK or Scotland, to protest against the plans.

    Friday 21 January 2022

    Petition still live

    38,000 signed so far - do add your name:

    You can also send a ‘postcard’ (see below) to your MP — free supplies of which can be obtained by calling Sian Winstanley on +44 (0)1246 473902. 

    For a great update on why fluoridation is not great see:

    This month's issue of Caduceus magazine features some great articles  - see:

    Friday 26 November 2021

    'A decades old debate over tooth decay and water fluoridation is back on the table in the UK'

    Here's the Alliance for Natural Health's article out today plus link to the petition:

    "In September 2021 the UK government signalled its intent to fluoridate the entire UK water supply. The move effectively removes control for such decisions from local councils in the UK, who were always responsible prior, in favour of centralisation. Fluoridation of the water supply constitutes a widespread crude and toxic medical intervention that will affect an unsuspecting public, under the guise that it unequivocally prevents tooth decay.

    "What’s more, the UK Government is highly unlikely to inform UK citizens that it will effectively be mandating what amounts to mass medication of the population based on extremely limited data; without disclosing potential harms or obtaining properly informed consent. Something of a recurring theme at the moment."

    See full article at:

    Thursday 7 October 2021

    Sign new petition!

    Here's a new petition to counter the plans. In the short time it has been available, the petition has already amassed over 20,000 signatures. Please click here to add your objection against the flagrant disregard of the substantial body of evidence pointing to the health harms of a one size fits all approach to medicine.

    Thursday 12 August 2021

    UK government poised to mass fluoridate UK water supplies

    Disturbing news reported this last week - it looks like we might need to get our Safe Water group together again? Anyone up for supporting?

    'The UK government is poised to take control of decisions regarding fluoridation of water away from local councils in the UK and centralise them in order to push a crude and ineffective treatment to prevent tooth decay. Following publication of a white paper earlier in the year, plans for, what in effect, will be mandatory water fluoridation in the UK have now been included as part of the Health and Care Bill. Fluoride is a known neurotoxin and has been shown to reduce levels of IQ in children. A fact that seems to have been overlooked by the authors of the Policy Paper. The Paper instead relies on reviews from countries where a large percentage of the population is exposed to fluoridated water to validate its claims. The UK government is highly unlikely to inform UK citizens that it will effectively be mandating what amounts to mass medication of the population based on extremely limited data, without disclosing potential harms or obtaining properly informed consent'.

    News item from the Alliance for Natural Health:

    Sunday 15 January 2017

    Fluoride Officially Classified as a Neurotoxin in World’s Most Prestigious Medical Journal

    This blog is sleeping at the moment but couldn't not link to this post...The Lancet, has officially classified fluoride as a neurotoxin, in the same category as arsenic, lead and mercury. Surely this is one more nail in the idea that we can continue adding it to water supplies....

    See article here:

    Monday 26 December 2016

    Blog and group dormant

    While our group members are continuing to monitor the situation we have not been meeting as a group regularly. We are delighted that the immediate threat of water fluoridation appears to have disappeared for the time being. Do get in touch if you have any thoughts or ideas.