Good news...the Safe Water Information Service (SWIS) is being relaunched. This will provide an additional national service, that will compliment the work of the
NPWA. A basic website is already operative and can be viewed at
www.safewaterinformation.orgThe introduction on the site states that the aim of SWIS is
- to provide information on water fluoridation and
- to connect and support individuals and groups opposing fluoridation in the UK
The site author writes: "
The first aim is to provide general public information in a different way. Currently there is a simple statement of the case. I hope to augment this with a power-point type visual presentation of the core issues, which can be run, or downloaded and adapted. Secondly, the site will focus on topical issues, such as the implications of the new consultation regulations. Do you agree, or do you have other ideas on how we might develop the site?"Above all, SWIS is intended as a resource for campaigners. Advice and information can flow both ways.